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CoolSculpting: What it is, How it Works, and What it Does

Anyone who has ever tried to “spot-train” a stubborn area of their body knows that this type of training simply doesn’t work. It doesn’t seem to matter how many crunches you do or how many sets of lunges you complete, our bodies always seem to store fat in places we want it least! But what if there were a way to spot-treat areas with a procedure that will rid those spots of fat cells safely and permanently? A revolutionary FDA-cleared procedure known as CoolSculpting can do just that.

CoolSculpting is different from many other procedures that target undesirable areas of fatty deposits. For example, unlike surgical liposuction, CoolSculpting requires no anesthesia, needles, or probes. Instead, CoolSculpting works through patented methods of safely freezing and targeting fat cells, which then die and are eliminated by the body. The best part about CoolSculpting is that the surrounding areas and cells are left unharmed, which means this procedure is often painless.

After a procedure is complete, down-time and recovery can be trying and expensive. However, with CoolSculpting, you’ll be able to resume normal activities immediately. This means that our busy clients need not take vacation time or personal time to spend recovering, but instead can use that time for actual vacations. Additionally, clients see results quickly, often within a few weeks.

If you are tired of hiding some stubborn areas, our team at Cool Renewal Med Spa wants to help. Our CoolSculpting procedure is done right here by trained and experienced technicians who can help you get rid of all your troublesome spots. Contact us today!

* Results may vary per patient – call us for a free consultation 844-772-2665